Which is true?
The Headlines:
- Engineers Invent Battery That Never Needs Recharging (FAKE)
- Wedding Invitation Asks For Debit Card Number To RSVP (REAL)
As wedding ideas go, this looks like a new one. Someone posted on the mommy message board mumsnet.com that she received an invitation to a wedding, and she was excited at first. Her excitement died down when she reached the part of the online RSVP process where she was required to put in her debit card information. Other posters on the board suggested that it was a mistake with the website, but the original poster returned to explain that it wasn’t, saying “It isn’t a mistake; guests do have to input card details in order to accept/decline invitations, give menu choices, etc.” Guests were allegedly informed they had seven days to review the details, after which they’d be charged a monthly fee.
- Newly Discovered Plant Species Cures Common Cold Overnight (FAKE)
Photo: Giacomo Augugliaro / Moment / Getty Images