Which is true?
The Headlines:
- Strawberry Jelly-Filled Hot Dogs New Viral Trend Ahead Of Summer (FAKE)
- $200 Vodka Infused With Actual Meteorite (REAL)
Grab a shot glass full of shooting stars…Shooting Star Vodka has infused its premium organic vodka with an actual meteorite discovered in 1977, making it the first ultra-premium vodka to incorporate a space rock. The liquor, which landed in the US Friday, was created by the French brand Pegasus Distillerie, founded in 2021. The vodka has been aged for over a year with the meteorite suspended in the liquid, giving it a “unique mineral flavor and smooth, lingering texture.” Only 4,806 bottles of the $180-$200 vodka have been produced, making it a rare and exclusive offering for those seeking a taste of the cosmos.
- Woman Hospitalized After “Outie” Bellybutton Grows Six Inches Overnight (FAKE)