Which is true?
The Headlines:
- Pigeon Finally Cleared Of Being Spy For China (REAL)
He’s finally free as a bird…after eight months in detention, police in India have finally cleared a pigeon of being a Chinese spy. The bird was captured last May at a port in Mumbai with two rings tied to its legs, carrying what looked like writing in Chinese. Officers were concerned that the flying fowl was tangled up in some espionage. They finally realized this week that the pigeon was actually an open-water racing bird from Taiwan that had flown the coop and made its way to India. After being cleared of any wrongdoing, the little guy was transferred to the Bombay Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals where the doctors set it free.
- Fashion Week Shocks Audience With Coat Made Of Live Snakes (FAKE)
- Research Suggests Laying On Slate Chalkboard Best For Good Night’s Sleep (FAKE)
Photo: Bronwyn Mack / iStock / Getty Images