Which is true?
The Headlines:
- New York Gym Offering “Laughing Yoga: Weight Loss Through Giggles” (FAKE)
- Study: Sniffing Female Tears Makes Men Less Aggressive (REAL)
Turns out tears could be the antidote to tantrums. A new study finds that when men smell women’s tears, they tone down “revenge-seeking aggressive behavior” by 40%. And it’s not just humans…Studies have also found that aggression in male rodents is blocked when they smell female tears. How does this work? Professor Noam Sobel, who oversaw the research, says, “We’ve shown that tears activate olfactory receptors and that they alter aggression-related brain circuits, significantly reducing aggressive behavior.” He adds, “These findings suggest that tears are a chemical blanket offering protection against aggression – and that this effect is common to rodents and humans, and perhaps to other mammals as well.” Happy sniffing!
- App Launching In 2024 Allows People To Converse With House Plants (FAKE)