In case you missed it...
Apparently Taylor Swift has a new magic trick when to avoid the paparazzi. Fans have caught her hiding in a janitor's cart before her concerts! Fans have now captured Swift on video being rolled onto concert stages in a janitor’s cart on TikTok. This is pretty close to a previous fan theory that she had been transported in suitcases to avoid detection. Maybe she got inspiration from her fan’s theories!
Lady A is heading out on what they've dubbed "The Request Line Tour" - and it's going to play out exactly as the name suggests. The band posted to their Instagram that they're looking for fan requests for them to play on their trek - and dropped a phone number (615-882-1975) where folks can leave their suggestions. On top of that, the band mentioned that some of those voicemails people leave might get a call-back - and the call-backs could mean that fan is getting meet & greet passes for the show nearest them!