In what has to be one of the craziest thoughts ever, a woman sexuality expert says parents should ask their baby’s permission before changing their diaper. Maybe you heard about her: Deanne Carson. She suggested to ABC news that asking the child’s permission sets up a “culture of consent.”
According to Carson, a self-described “sexuality educator, speaker and author”, a culture of consent starts at birth. She suggests parents ask their infants questions such as: ‘” I’m going to change your nappy now (she’s Australian), isthat okay?”. Because she is referring to babies, Carson admits that they will not verbally respond. “But if you leave a space and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact then you are letting that child know that their response matters” she said in her ABC interview.
Now my question is, when will we stop trying to ‘co-raise’ our children WITH THEM? When are we going to stop trying to make our kids our ‘buddies’ and start to provide the guidance that can help lead them down thepath to young adulthood?