The Great American Coffee Taste Test

Think you know what your favorite coffee is? Maybe not, as new research finds that only 55% of the stated coffee roast preference of Americans actually matches their tastes. Cometeer, the company that makes the “world’s first and only frozen coffee capsule,” recently conducted The Great American Coffee Taste Test and they’re revealing the results.

Their blind taste test with 5-thousand coffee drinkers was designed to get a better understanding of what flavor notes and roasts people like best in their mugs. Here’s what they learned:

  • Two in three people like their coffee black, while 43% add dairy or non-dairy creamer.
  • Almost a third (29%) prefer coffee made with the pour-over method, while 19% like lattes and 7% go for cold brew or iced coffee.
  • Around one in three medium and dark roast drinkers actually prefer lighter roasts in the blind taste test.
  • Nearly all (92%) primarily drink coffee at home, followed by the office in a close second.
  • People drink an average of two cups a day, with 91% preferring full-strength caffeine over decaf or half-caff.
  • Coffee drinkers spend an average of $50 a month on their habit.
  • The majority of men prefer light roasts, while women lean toward medium and dark roasts.
  • Folks over 65 tend to prefer darker roasts, while younger generations like lighter roasts.
Smiling Coffee

Photo: Jennifer A Smith / Moment / Getty Images

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