How To Connect With Memorial Day

If you’d like to pay your respects to fallen soldiers this Memorial Day weekend, the Honor Project is a charity to connect with. It started with Emily Domenech, who always visits her grandfather’s grave at Arlington National Cemetery. She tweeted asking if anyone would like her to honor their loved ones at the cemetery. There was huge response and she teamed up with the Travis Manion Foundation to build an army of volunteers to place Flags of Valor at gravesites, say aloud the name of each person and reflect on their sacrifices. This year, organizers hope to grace more than 10,000 gravesites across 14 public military cemeteries. Most events take place on Memorial Day. Anyone can sign up as an Honor Project volunteer on the website; those requesting visitors for their loved ones can "Submit Your Hero" on the website. Photos shared on social media bear the hashtag "The Honor Project" hashtag.

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