Check Out These Three Career Lessons

Denise Conroy is a former CEO and TikToker who is going viral for lessons she learned in business. Her hot post is “3 things I wish someone told me earlier in my career.” Here are her tips:

  • Jump jobs. Despite some experts saying it’s a bad idea, she says bold moves get you promoted.
  • You don’t owe your company loyalty. "You owe your company respect, the services that you promise that you will provide in the course of your job, and all those duties. You owe them great performance. You owe them great attendance, but you do not owe them loyalty. Let's save loyalty for our personal relationships."
  • People leave bad bosses, so don’t be one. "People don't leave jobs. They leave bosses, specifically they leave two types of bosses.” Those are the toxic boss and the boss that doesn’t give you credit or help you develop.

See her video below...

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