WLLR's Is It The News...Or Not?

Which is true? 

The Headlines: 

  • Boston Restaurant Sued Over Policy Only Hiring Workers From Specific Fraternity (FAKE) 
  • Iowa Farmer Sets World Record By Growing 18-Pound Greenhouse Tomato (FAKE) 
  • Couple Learns Wedding Wasn’t Real Because Grandpa Forgot To Send Marriage Certificate In (REAL

Madalyn Boucher received a nasty surprise when she tried to add her new husband to her health insurance. She found out that they weren’t legally married after their $30k ceremony. Her grandfather, who officiated the ceremony, forgot to send in the paperwork afterward. Even worse, when she found out about the mistake, it was nine days past the expiration date on the paperwork. The story has a happy ending; the courthouse granted the couple an exception and legalized their marriage. It was the first time her gramps had officiated.

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