Looking For Tax Deductions? Try These...At Your Own Risk!

There are some creative tax payers out there.

Experts don’t recommend this, but there have been some interesting deductions people have made… and gotten away with. Here are a few:

  • A gas station owner in Oklahoma successfully deducted beer used in a promotion for his business.
  • Breast implants have been successfully deducted
  • Massage therapists and body builders can deduct body oil
  • Depending on your job, hair dye can be a deduction
  • If you have a guard dog or a cat serving as pest control for a business you MAY be able to deduct pet food
  • A swimming pool MAY be deducted if it’s a medical expense, but you have to go through hoops for this one

Tax Day is coming up on April 18th, so don’t forget to file!

Photo: Getty Images

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