WLLR's Is It The News...Or Not?

Which is true?

The Headlines:

  • LEGO Announces New Line Of ‘X-Rated’ Sets For Adults Only (FAKE)
  • British Mom Gives Birth To 11 Pound 5.5 Ounce Baby (REAL)

Imagine an 11-pound bowling ball. Now imagine giving birth to it. That’s the comparison being made after a 33-year-old in Britain gave birth to an 11-pound, 5.5-ounce baby, which may be the largest baby ever born in the country. She had to be induced, and her labor lasted 16 hours, but the mom says “little” Ronny-Jay Fewtrell is “chilled out, happy, and very content.” The mother, identified only as Jade, already has three children, and says this one is her last. “By the looks of it, they keep getting bigger.” Doctors had to induce her labor because Jade was having trouble moving and breathing.

  • Medals For Tokyo Olympics Stamped With Anime Image (FAKE)

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