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The Headlines:

  • Kiddie Play Center Serves Parents Beer (REAL)

Parents in Brooklyn can now drop their kids in a playroom with other tykes while they crack open a cold one in the same center. It all started when Jenna “JD” Dosch had her first child and didn’t want to bring her kid into a bar. She says kids are often left screaming and unhappy while sitting at bars with their parents. Instead she wanted to create a fun place for parents to bring their kids, while they could have a beer. In 2016, she and her husband Andy Shaw opened Little People Party where kids can play at an indoor soccer facility while parents drink at the bar next door. Here’s how it works. During the week, kids come in at $20 a pop or $125 for a monthly pass and can run across AstroTurf and jump in baby bouncers. Then on Thursdays and Fridays after 3 pm, a bar connected to the facility opens where parents can enjoy alcoholic beverages while their kids play. Parents must purchase drinks separately. “I don’t feel guilty about having a beer and chatting with other parents, knowing my kids are also having fun,” says mom of two Megan Drye Harper, who frequents the playroom. “If I want to go to a bar and socialize [instead], I have to leave my kids at home and pay a sitter $25 an hour.” She adds, “I think the reason I need a beer these days is because my kids make me crazy.”

  • Tween Starts Multi-Million-Dollar Business (FAKE)
  • Woman Finds Way To Create Outdoor Ice Skating Rink...In Florida (FAKE)

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